Updated November 2022
Visitor safety and security and destination health and sustainability are our highest priorities. With the rapid change in the world since the World Health Organization declared the novel coronavirus a pandemic on March 12, 2020, the Guyana Tourism Authority (GTA) is working hard to ensure travellers and all stakeholders receive accurate, relevant, and up-to-date information online and via e-blasts. You can get real-time updates on our Guyana Tourism Authority’s Facebook page or email us at Below you can find more information on:
COVID-19 in Guyana
International Travel
Domestic Travel
Closures and Postponements
How to Reduce the Risk when Travelling
Tourism Sector Health and Resiliency
For More Information
The Novel Coronavirus in Guyana
COVID-19 Infection & Vaccination Rate in Guyana. Updated as of November 7, 2022.
Total Active Cases – 18
Total Cases – 71,449
Total Recoveries – 70,150
Total deaths – 1,281
If someone is suspected of having COVID-19, do not visit any health care facility. Instead, make an urgent report to the Guyana Ministry of Public Health via telephone number (592)227- 4986 Ext# 215 between 08:00-16:30h or (592)624-3067 between 16:30-20:00h, and a team will be dispatched to the suspected person’s home. This will avoid exposing others to the virus if indeed someone is infected.
Source: Ministry of Health, Guyana.
Travel-Related Update
International Travel
The Cheddi Jagan International Airport at Timehri and the Eugene F. Correia International Airport at Ogle was closed for international flights as of March 18, 2020 at midnight.
The Guyana Civil Aviation Authority (GCAA) created its phased opening approach of the airports based on the overall approach taken by the National Task Force.
Our international borders are currently open and our airports are fully operational.
For international travellers, we urge that you check with your respective airlines for updates on when they will resume flights to Guyana. Pre-Covid-19 Guyana was serviced by direct travel and policy updates in relation to the Coronavirus. For a snapshot of helpful information, please review the following and the links below:
American Airlines
Caribbean Airlines
Copa Airlines
Eastern Airline(set to fly from March 2020)
JetBlue Airways (set to fly from April 2020 and now April 2021)
LIAT Airways
Suriname Airways
Trans Guyana Airways
It is important to note that:
PCR or Antigen tests are no longer required for entry into Guyana.
Proof of COVID-19 vaccination is no longer required for entry into Guyana.
Wear a face mask while in the airport (as per their policy) and during the flight.
Observe social distancing protocols.
If found positive with symptoms of COVID-19, may warrant isolation/quarantine.
Baggage and cargo will be decontaminated prior to leaving the premises
Additional information can be found on the official Ministry of Health – Guyana Facebook page.
Domestic Travel
While domestic travel is allowed, we urge that you check with the respective airlines for direct travel and policy updates in relation to COVID-19. For a snapshot of helpful information, please review the following and the links below:
Under the guidance of the Ministry of Public Health, the Government of Guyana has instituted a phased approach to opening our economy and businesses. Guyana is currently in Phase 4 which highlights a number of relaxed COVID-19 measures:
There is currently no national curfew in place.
There are currently no restrictions on social or recreational activities.
Hotels and lodges are allowed to be open for 24 hours.
Casinos, betting shops and cinemas are allowed to fully operate.
Restaurants and bars are allowed to fully operate.
Places of worship, cinemas, fitness centres, gyms, casinos, and restaurants (i.e., indoor and outdoor dining) are allowed to operate at full capacity and are encouraged to have the appropriate COVID-19 guidelines in place.
Employers or operators of businesses must ensure that appropriate COVID-19 guidelines are prepared and implemented to reduce the risk of transmission of the virus among workers.
Wearing a face mask is not mandatory but in order to prevent the spread of COVID-19, persons are encouraged to wear a face mask when in public.
Proof of vaccination is no longer required when entering public buildings. These buildings are, however, encouraged to keep sanitisation and handwashing stations in place for visitors.
Testing for COVID-19 shall only be conducted by the National Public Health Reference Laboratory or any other laboratory issued a licence by the Minister of health under section 7 of the Health Facilities Licensing Act to conduct testing for COVID-19.
How to Reduce the Risk when Travelling
As recommended by the WHO, residents and international travellers can reduce their risk of coronavirus infection by:
Frequently clean hands by using alcohol-based hand rub or soap and water for a recommended 30 seconds.
When coughing and sneezing cover mouth and nose with flexed elbow or tissue – through the tissue away immediately and wash hands
Avoid close contact with anyone that has fever and cough
Maintain a social distance of 3 feet
The Ministry of Public Health also urges no large gatherings (of more than ten persons), have restricted the number of attendees permitted at weddings and funerals, and have reduced the recommended persons allowed in public transpiration to half of the vehicle’s capacity.
Tourism Sector Health and Resiliency
The Guyana Tourism Authority is increasing collaboration with the Caribbean Public Health Agency (CARPHA) to improve Guyana’s capacity at a destination level to provide cost-effective, quality health, food safety and environmental sanitation (HSE) solutions to the threats impacting our tourism sector.
This is uncharted territory for Guyana’s travel and tourism sector, and the situation is changing daily. Tourism businesses and travellers that are flexible and able to make decisions and changes quickly to increase their resiliency and that of their partners and establish a safer environment for their guests.
The GTA is also encouraging the sector to take additional measures, in consultation with global and local public health authorities, to make their cleaning and hygiene protocols even more rigorous. We have created the GTA Hygiene and Sanitation Protocol that acts as a guide for local tourism businesses in creating their own policy. At a glance, our top tips are below:-
Tourism Accommodation Establishments (Hotels)
Guests must be reminded of cleanliness, hygiene and social distancing practices and protocol.
Staff must be required to wear surgical or non-medical masks.
Public spaces and the front desk must be cleaned and disinfected frequently.
Staff must be trained on the most common signs and symptoms of the coronavirus infection – fever, dry cough and shortness of breath.
Staff must be reminded that symptoms occur 1-14 days after exposure and persons can be asymptomatic.
Routine cleaning and disinfecting of all contact surfaces in guest rooms must be scheduled and performed.
Interior Lodges and Resorts & Tour Operators
Drivers/captains must perform routine cleaning and disinfection of vehicles.
Employers/vehicle and boat owners must provide all operators with PPE and cleaning products/disinfectant wipes.
Employers/vehicle and boat owners must ensure sick employees/drivers/captains stay at home.
Drivers/captains must frequently clean their hands with an alcohol-based hand rub, or wash their hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.
Signage for cough and sneeze etiquette and hand sanitising in vehicles/boats must be visible in by passengers.
Tourist Guides
Tour groups must be manageable and adhere to social distancing protocols. The use of microphones should be encouraged.
The number of vehicles/boats used must be increased to ensure that social distancing precautions are adhered to.
Transport providers must ensure that all vehicles/boats are sanitised before and after each tour.
No sharing of equipment, such as spotting scopes should be allowed.
Gear that is reused between trips must be disinfected.
Travellers must be encouraged to walk with their own sanitising products/masks. Tour guides will also provide the same if needed.
For More Information
The Guyana Tourism Authority will continue to monitor the situation and reliable sources closely and make informed and evidence-based decisions accordingly. The authority is encouraging travellers and the travel and tourism sector to do the same. Below is a list of helpful websites:
Coronavirus COVID-19 Global Cases Dashboard from Johns Hopkins University
The Pandemic Business Checklist by Action Coach and COVID-19 Business Continuity Planning Checklist by Social Rank Media are two great resources to help inform your business planning and communications during this time.
World Health Organization (WHO) Caribbean Public Health Agency
The Government of Guyana requires proof of yellow fever vaccination if you are travelling from a country with risk of yellow fever. This does not include the United States, Canada or any European countries. Check the CDC website for up-to-date information on other vaccines and medicines you should consider prior to your visit to Guyana, and be sure to visit your doctor at least 4-6 weeks before your trip to get the vaccines or medicines you may need.
Contact us About Safety and Security in Guyana
Safety and security are vital to providing a quality visitor experience in any destination. We at the Guyana Tourism Authority are highly cognizant of the fact that more than any other economic activity, the success or failure of a tourism destination depends on being able to provide a safe and secure environment for visitors. For updated information on travel safety and security, email or call +592-219-0094.
Healthier, Safer Tourism in Guyana
The Ministry of Public Health and Department of Tourism in Guyana, as well as the Guyana Tourism Authority, are partnering with the Caribbean Public Health Agency (CARPHA), Caribbean Tourism Organisation (CTO) and the Caribbean Hotel and Tourism Association (CHTA) to implement a joint Tourism and Health program (THP) to improve the health, safety, and quality of our tourism product, and the health and wellbeing of our visitors and locals. We care about your health and want to ensure that in addition to enjoying our lovely country, that you are also healthy and safe during your visit to Guyana.
This novel, innovative program is addressing the health safety and environmental threats that impact on the Caribbean to tourism through real-time early alert and response system to tourism health and safety threats., food and environment safety training, hospitality standards and globally recognised certification and branding. You can read more here. Participating facilities will be branded and accredited by CARPHA, CTO, CHTA as a preferred healthier, safer facility, allowing for a marketing and branding competitive advantage
Accommodations are encouraged to register now here to be eligible for recognition as a healthier safer destination.
Training materials for using This system are available here.
Links to the THP program, the Tourism and Health Information System ( system and training materials:
Overall presentation on the Tourism and Health program (by Dr Indar) can be accessed here.
Tourism and Health program brochure is available here.
Presentation on the Tourism and Health Information System (
See THiS Live Demonstration Training video here.
Step by step Training Instruction for using the THiS (by Dr Alexander) is available here.
Registration forms for the THiS can be accessed on this link.