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Guyana’s Harpy Eagle - Fact file

Updated: Jul 21, 2023

©Ashley Holland

WHAT does the Harpy Eagle look like and WHAT does it eat?

The Harpy Eagle is one of the largest eagles in the world., This massive grey bird of prey has fanned-out feathers on its head, which distinguishes it from other species. A black band across its breast separates its white belly from its grey face.

But how strong is this beauty? According to the World Wildlife Foundation, Harpy Eagles are so powerful that they can snatch a sloth from the top of a tree while flying and can carry an animal weighing over 10 kilos. What’s even more fascinating is that due to its amazing strength, this bird is able to crush the bones of its prey with just its claws.

WHY is it called the Harpy Eagle?

This huge beast of a bird is aptly named after the harpy, a frightening half-woman, half-bird creature featured in Greek mythology. This makes sense given that the female Harpy Eagle is nearly twice as large as the male! Its wingspan can reach up to 2 metres and it can weigh up to 20 pounds.

WHERE can it be found?

The Harpy Eagle is an elusive species. However, Guyana’s pristine rainforests is the perfect habitat for this species. If you’re lucky enough, you can spot one of these beauties during a trip to the Iwokrama Rainforest along the Canopy Walkway or in untouched canopies of the Kanuku Mountains

Atta Rainforest Lodge, Rewa Eco-lodge and Warapoka are also good options if you’re interested in exploring in pursuit of the Harpy Eagle. From Surama Eco-lodge, you can take a scenic hike and hopefully spot one of their nests.

©Ashley Holland

HOW does it sound?

Check out this video of a female Harpy Eagle vocalizing in Rewa.

WHO can help me spot it?

Travelling with a local tour guide and birding expert will vastly increase your chances of spotting this majestic beauty in its natural habitat. Tour operators offering knowledgeable bird tours in Guyana include Birding EcoTours, Leon Moore Nature Experience, Wilderness Explorers, in addition to Rewa Eco-Lodge. It may take a while to find but seeing this beautiful species up close is well worth the wait!

©Amanda Richards

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